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来源:情报探索 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-01-04




Near Guotai Arts Center in the bustling Jie Fangbei business district, a yellow-and-white western-style building has been standing there for nearly 100 years. For a long time in the past, few people knew the origin of this building. After renovation, it has now been opened to the public. It was the Sino-British Liaison Office during the Second World War.

According to the Yuzhong District's third national cultural relics survey album "Memory of Mother City", the Sino-British Liaison Office was located here from 1939 to 1946. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the buildings were destroyed by Japanese air strikes.

The former site of the Sino-British Liaison Office was built in 1910 and was originally the Zhenyuan Hall. It covered an area of nearly 400 square meters and a construction area of nearly 1200 square meters. The Frenchstyle brick and wooden structure designed by the French has a very exquisite interior design. After the outbreak of the Second World War, this building was used by Jardine Matheson, but it was actually the office of the Sino-British Liaison Office, where China and Britain exchanged wartime intelligence and shared the latest wartime news between the East and the West.




年代:始建于1910年 Age: Founded in 1910

坐标:渝中区五四路 Address: Wusi Road, Yuzhong District

中英联络处旧址。 摄影/赵光银

After the founding of the P.R.C., it was once used by Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau as the archives. In 2013, the building, as one of the former sites of the allied diplomatic agencies in Chongqing, was listed as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

In June 2019, the building was repaired and used as a space for cultural and art activities in addition to its special historical value. The interior of the renovated building is beautifully decorated. The vintage chandeliers, French carvings, colonnades and ivory painted walls could easily take you back to the old days of the building.

For people to know about the history of the building, three rooms have been specially opened to simulate the office scene of the Sino-British Liaison Office, including offices and conference rooms, which at the same time also function as a library. In the rooms, apart from appreciating the atmosphere of the past time, people could also read books. Each floor of the small building is equipped with L-shaped cloisters and unique tables and chairs for people to rest, and to enjoy tea and coffee after visiting.

繁华的解放碑商圈国泰艺术中心旁的一栋黄白相间的西式建筑,已有近百年历史。过去很长的一段时间里,很少有人知道这栋建筑的由来,经过修缮,如今已对外开放。它就是第二次世界大战时的中英联络处。据渝中区第三次全国文物普查成果专辑《母城记忆》显示,1939年至1946年,中英联络处就设于此,抗战期间,建筑曾遭日军空袭破坏。据了解,中英联络处旧址修建于1910年,最早为真元,占地近400平方米,建筑面积近1200平方米,由法国设计的法式风格砖木结构建筑,内部造型十分精美。第次世界大战爆发后,这栋建筑对外为英国怡和公司使用,但际是中英联络处办公地点,中英双方曾在这里交换战时情,东西方的战时最新消息曾在这里共享。Near Guotai Arts Center in the bustling Jie Fangbei business district, a yellow-and-white western-style building has been standing there for nearly 100 years. For a long time in the past, few people knew the origin of this building. After renovation, it has now been opened to the public. It was the Sino-British Liaison Office during the Second World to the Yuzhong District's third national cultural relics survey album "Memory of Mother City", the Sino-British Liaison Office was located here from 1939 to 1946. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the buildings were destroyed by Japanese air former site of the Sino-British Liaison Office was built in 1910 and was originally the Zhenyuan Hall. It covered an area of nearly 400 square meters and a construction area of nearly 1200 square meters. The Frenchstyle brick and wooden structure designed by the French has a very exquisite interior design. After the outbreak of the Second World War, this building was used by Jardine Matheson, but it was actually the office of the Sino-British Liaison Office, where China and Britain exchanged wartime intelligence and shared the latest wartime news between the East and the West.新中国成立以后,这里曾为重庆市公安局所用,作为档案室。2013年,该建筑作为同盟国驻渝外交机构旧址群之一,被列为第七批全国重点文物保护单位。2019年6月,该建筑修缮完毕,除了它本身具有的特殊的历史价值外,还作为文化空间用于开展文化艺术活动。修缮后的建筑内部装潢精美,具有年代感的吊灯,法式雕花、廊柱,乳白色的漆墙,仿佛让人触摸到这座建筑的前世今生。为了让人们了解这栋建筑的历史,还专门开辟出3个房间,包括办公室、会议室,同时还兼备图书室的功能,模拟当年中英联络处的办公场景。人们在房间内除了可以感受当时的氛围,还能在书籍的世界中尽情徜徉。小楼的每一层设有L型回廊,别致的桌椅供人们在参观之余休息、品茶、喝咖啡。年代:始建于1910年 Age: Founded in 1910坐标:渝中区五四路 Address: Wusi Road, Yuzhong District中英联络处旧址。 摄影/赵光银After the founding of the P.R.C., it was once used by Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau as the archives. In 2013, the building, as one of the former sites of the allied diplomatic agencies in Chongqing, was listed as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units.In June 2019, the building was repaired and used as a space for cultural and art activities in addition to its special historical value. The interior of the renovated building is beautifully decorated. The vintage chandeliers, French carvings, colonnades and ivory painted walls could easily take you back to the old days of the people to know about the history of the building, three rooms have been specially opened to simulate the office scene of the Sino-British Liaison Office, including offices and conference rooms, which at the same time also function as a library. In the rooms, apart from appreciating the atmosphere of the past time, people could also read books. Each floor of the small building is equipped with L-shaped cloisters and unique tables and chairs for people to rest, and to enjoy tea and coffee after visiting.

文章来源:《情报探索》 网址: http://www.qbtszz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0104/618.html


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